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Monday, December 30, 2013

10 Happy Memories From 2013

God did some amazing things in our church in 2013. Tomorrow closes out this year, so I want to pause for a moment to reflect on ten happy memories that I will cherish.

1. My wonderful wife who continues to shine for Jesus and pray down the kingdom of God and love people to within an inch of their lives.  Robin brings me great joy even as she battled the consequences of being rear ended in a traffic accident four years ago that continues to be her thorn in the flesh.

2. My 84 year old father is able to communicate clearly, read a 700 page novel in a week and live independently.  Three years ago he could not have done any of these. So grateful to have my father back and to see how God used my siblings to help my father escape from a dark and scary place, headed in a bad direction.

3. My prodigal son, Nathan, rededicated his life to Christ and was baptized on November 24th.

4. My son Josh didn't die. He fell off a roof and broke his foot terribly, which led to surgery, which led to blood clots that lodged in his lungs and almost killed him. Fortunately, Robin felt the urge to be with Josh after his surgery and was with him in the middle of the night when the life threatening clot lodged itself. Robin made Josh go in to the ER... thank you Lord for forceful mothers.

5. Heather is attending William Jessup University and excelling.  Thank You Lord!

6. My oldest brother and I reconnected on a four day backpack trip. His fourteen year old son Daniel, my daughter Heather and her friend Mary joined me as we hiked the adventurous Rae Lakes Loop trail in the high sierras, summiting at Glenn's Pass. The views were breathtaking, but the best part was the joy I had in walking and talking with my brother to hear his heart and story of what God has been doing in his life.  Many answers to prayer!  Confronting a bear who wasn't about to back off the trail and a big honkin' rattlesnake were entertaining and scary, but no where near as exciting as hanging with my brother while talking on the trail. That's my favorite aspect of backpacking.

7. Pastoral Staff:
James Berteig discovered that he has lupus and his wife Amanda discovered she had a tumor that ended up being benign. These two are a gift from the Lord and I'm so grateful that the Lord has given them health to serve wholeheartedly. They are over-comers who continue to give and serve even when they are limping along. What an inspiration to me!
Matthew & Christine Griggs move from Oregon to join our church staff, overseeing our Family Life ministry to young families. They are a gift from the Lord. Where do you find such a quality Children's Ministry Director who can also connect with families?  I cannot wait to see what takes place in our Children's Ministry. Matt is a keeper!

8. Young men to train in ministry:  Joe Yarbrough moved up from Murrieta to join our staff as our High School Ministry Directory. Joe is incredibly gifted as a young man and has a bright future of ministry in front of him.  What a kick to invest in this young man.  Jesse Wallace, also from Murrieta moved up here and is an Intern working with Jr. High students. Jesse is a jewell!

9. Mel Douglas - the chairman of our Elder Board. Mel has been an incredible source of encouragement and a valued team member for counsel and wisdom in leading our church. Where would I be without Mel's steady hand and wise perspective on ministry.

10. My health - I'm so grateful that I can ride my road bike up to the park at the top of Park here in Rocklin. That 14% grade is a bear.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger? We'll see.  Thanks to Don Blodger for helping me find a steal on a road bike. Now I have no excuses.

There's the list that comes to mind, but I could go on an on.
What's on your list?


  1. I love hearing about God's work in and through your life, Stan and Robin. Thanks for sharing all the good and very encouraging news. Happy new year! Phil
